
Friday, May 31, 2013

May 31, Wasilla

May 31  Hard to believe that it was a week ago today that we arrived in Wasilla.  The time has gone so quickly.  We FINALLY got our Internet and cable tv hooked up this morning.  Cable is handled differently here than the way Cox did it back home.  Everything here is Cat 5 cable.  We still get HDTV through it and have what appears to be very good through-put on the Internet.  I am running software updates and we have around 275 Kilobit download speeds to my MacBook, and Peggy is using her iPad online at the same time, so I'm satisfied.  And, thank you to the local anonymous owner of the open NetGear wifi that I've been able to "borrow" from time to time this past week.

Helped a client of the Matanuska Air Service get set up to wash his plane.  There has been quite a rush of pilots here to get there planes converted from wheels to floats now that the ice has gone out on most of the lakes in this area.  Grant has been busy doing the conversions, and he is now working to get his own Super Cub converted so that he and Debby can fly out to their cabin this Sunday and Monday now that their lake is open.  That's when we start earning our keep!

I contacted our daughter, Becky, back in Omaha to have her send us our macerator pump.  The "poop" pumper (macerator) will allow us to keep our trailer in its current location and be able to pump our holding tanks into the property's septic system which is now about 30 feet away from the trailer.  Without it we would have to relocate the trailer next to the septic drain which would not allow us to look out our picture window at the mountains and Lake Anderson.

Peggy and I took Grant and Debby out to lunch this noon as my thank you to Grant for having taken me flying last weekend to look for bears and see the glaciers up close.  A local restaurant has a Friday special on halibut that tasted the best we've had so far.  We also went to Sportsman's Warehouse to look around as they have displays of animals similar to Cabela's back home.  Supposedly, Cabela's is coming to Alaska sometime in the near future.

We are very excited because on Tuesday, June 4, we have reservations for the Teklanika campground in Denali National Park!  We will stay 4 days returning to Wasilla on that Saturday.  We are totally pumped for our first adventure into this park.  The campground is the furthest in the park that allows RV's.  The weather is calling for some rain and sun, so I figure we have a slim chance of seeing Mt. McKinley's summit.  However, we could be returning to the park again this summer if we miss out on seeing the entire mountain this trip.  Thankfully one of us (who shall remain nameless) has qualified for the NP's Senior Pass which provides free park entry and 1/2 off our camping.  Sometimes it pays to get old!  :o)

We will document our Denali experiences and then post them to the blog when we return to Wasilla as will be without Internet while there.

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