August 17 We woke up to the pitter patter of raindrops on the roof. Sure was good sleeping weather last night, and I'm sure we were both fatigued from our fishing excursion yesterday. We were on the Sterling Highway on our way back to Wasilla around 9:00.
We drove in rain showers for about the first 150 miles which meant little viewing of the mountains. However we still bid the Kenai Mountains goodbye as we will not be this far south again. We were on the Seward Highway at the Turnagain Arm when things started clearing up. As we got northeast of Anchorage the sun was shining on the Talkeetna Mountains, and I told Peggy we were getting back to God's country!
We pulled onto our site at Grant and Debby's around 1:30. Both dogs greeted us! It was good to visit with Grant and Debby as we shared with them our "fish stories".
We grilled burgers for supper and watched the clouds begin to build up over the Talkeetnas. Looks like it might be a rainy night. Despite the clouds we did go for our walk after we finished eating.
On the way back we went to the dock to check out how the little fry are coming. Either they aren't growing, or they are continually replaced by others of the same size. Back at the camper we watched the boob tube and called it a done deal for the day.
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